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"6 Reasons to Include Self-Defense Training in your Corporate Wellness Program"

By: John Moore

reasons why self-defense training should be part of workplace wellness Smart companies take steps to keep their employees healthy - health insurance, dental insurance, wellness programs. It's not

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reasons why self-defense training should be part of workplace wellness
Smart companies take steps to keep their employees healthy - health insurance, dental insurance, wellness programs. It's not just the right thing to do, it makes good business sense. A new trend in Corporate Wellness is in-house self-defense seminars.

These seminars teach important life-saving skills and are quickly become regular occurances in many organizations' wellness programs.

Other than the primary benefit of teaching your employees to physically defend themselves - there are significant secondary benefits to self-defense training.

Here are 6 great reasons to include personal protection (self defense) training in your organization:

1. Employees who feel safer suffer less stress. This may translate into less stress related illness, less lost time due to illness, and higher productivity. This can mean a long-term realized cost savings to an employer.

2. Self Defense training can mitigate workplace violence. The phenomenon of workplace violence is growing at an alarming rate around the world. The costs associated with dealing with workplace violence after the fact are astronomical. A small investment in quality training today can prevent catastrophic losses in the future.

3. Self Defense training can enhance teamwork. Properly structured training, as offered by groups like MTS, brings coworkers together in problem solving exercises. Emotional and psychological barriers to personal achievment can be explored in a supportive environment, with the help of coworkers.

4. Martial Arts based training improves employee morale and discipline. Studies by the US Marine Corps have shown that their regular martial arts program created greater self-discipline, stronger work ethic, and more psychologically well-adjusted Marines.

5. Self-Defense training increases creative problem solving. Self defense training helps employees learn to overcome obstacles creatively. This may translate into greater on the job creativity, problem solving ability, and thinking "outside the box".

6. Self defense training instills confidence. Martial arts based training helps people build confidence and become greater leaders. Public speaking may also be enhanced, as well as greater leadership presence.

For more information about including self defense training in your workplace - please see:

About the Author

John Moore is a self defense and fitness instructor and co-founder of Martial Training Systems LLC, providing professional training in self defense and physical conditioning. Click here now to find out more.

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