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The Leadership-Toolkit Collection

Breaking Out of The Bubble

By: Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

On-line business is fantastic, I mean when you think about how easy it is to start an eBusiness and how inexpensive it is to get rolling, it isn't surprising to see so many people doing it. There

On-line business is fantastic, I mean when you think about how
easy it is to start an eBusiness and how inexpensive it is to get
rolling, it isn't surprising to see so many people doing it.

There are some hurdles but if you are open to learning and
applying what you read, then of course some of those hurdles
won't have such a heavy effect on your business.

The other hurdle of course is getting so wrapped up with what
is going on, on-line, that you forget that there is another world
besides on-line to consider.

Taking time and working your off-line market does a great
many things for you.

Things, like:

1. discovering new markets that can drive your on-line sales in a
huge way. Placing ads in your local newspapers and in community
newsletters is a great way to gain exposure and hits to your web
site. Hits from people who might not necessarily know that you
existed otherwise.

2. finding and building alliances with off-line business owners
is another way to leverage your marketing efforts. You could
find an off-line business owner who compliments your products
and services and co-author a newsletter together. You both
promote the newsletter and market to each other's client base.

3. being able to connect with other (real time) business owners
through networking. Let's face it we work in a little office all
day with little to no real time contact with people. Getting out
to network will get us into the swing of using off-line marketing
tactics. Not only that, it is great to be a part of a group of like
minded people who want to share experiences. There is a lot we
can learn and apply from that!!

We are all great at performing the day to day activities that are
involved with running our businesses. We do well working "in"
our businesses. But we also need to break out and work "on"
it as well. By that I mean breaking out of your bubble and
using some of the strategies above. In addition to that, I also
mean taking some time each day or once a week even and read
something that will help you gain new business. That is the working
"on" it.

We get all wrapped up at doing our work to make the customers
happy once we have them. We forget that we also need to be
doing the things that make the customers come to us in the first
place. We figure that out a little too late and scramble to try
and bring in business. If you just changed your mindset a bit
and took the time to drive business in on a consistent basis then
you would have a steadier flow ;o)

It's a balancing act but it is one that is not hard to do. Just
schedule in time everyday. It won't happen over-night but if
you keep at it, you will start to see how it pays off for you!!

About the Author

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home
office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it
yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a
little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could
grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no
cost Test Drive TODAY!!

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