Knowledge work skills flourish and shine when empowered by the right tools, news, supplies, educational, consulting, training and coaching programs - Use this Directory of Potent Syntopical Resources

When you find someone who has walked on the same path that you want to travel on, Wisdom says that you need to seek their advice!

To enhance those important areas of your life which are not fully supported by the Syntopic Universe, we have supplied you with links to a "virtual Universe" of specially chosen sites.

Please visit these resources and consider the potential value of their help for your financial, career, job, family, spiritual, community or other life situations and challenges.

Listen, don't believe what we say, rather believe what we do!

We use many of these same resources for our own personal and professional development - many of these experts are the reason for our successes. We are subscribers [and donors of] and have paid serious money to be proteges of these wealthy, kind and generous people.

When you find someone who has walked on the same path that you want to travel on, Wisdom says that you need to walk along with them and seek their advice!

Need a "Map" of the Territory?
Click HERE!

You can easily find your way to these useful knowledge-work resources. Follow the "mind-map" to study news or research articles, pick-up your professional tools and  supplies, learn about training and educational courses, or invest in your social capital.

Need the News or latest Research? - Click HERE!

You can keep up with recent issues and decisions being taken with our "real-time" newsfeeds and article postings. You will examine the research, best-practices, and strategic studies of world-class organizations, major consulting practices, universities and colleges, and today's top thought-leaders.

Need Things? - Click HERE!

You'll discover a proverbial "toolkit" right at your fingertips. You may use these carefully selected items and services to shape/give your work products a competitive edge. You can show yourself to be the truly polished and credible knowledge professional that you are. These resources will help you maintain the highest levels of performance quality while you deliver tangible value to your audience, clients, partners, team members and colleagues.

Want to Grow? - Click HERE!

We all have a desire to grow in some way - you will find your opportunities to reach for and achieve any summit of satisfactory bliss through these unique services.
If you are searching for training, educational, coaching, tutoring, mentoring, counseling, modeling, preaching, or similar enabling programs, then you're traveling on the right road to your ultimate "enLIGHTenment".

Want to Feel Good? - Click HERE!

You can significantly improve your interpersonal skills and relationship enhancing abilities by investing in and sharing your "social-capital".

As you explore through these programs of public-service agencies you will dig deep for and uncover the treasures of life.

You can be a blessing to others and as a result, become a person who is truly and abundantly blessed. What an awesome concept!

Choose to Sponsor

Click HERE or on BANNER for the "Save-the-Children" program

You can "Save-the-Children" and help to "Feed" them at the same time!
You can make a difference with your sponsorship of a child through this very worthy program. And when you sponsor a child, Syntopic Intelligence will donate an additional $12 to another great program called "Feed the Children".

In 2001, "Feed-the-Children" shipped more than 61 million pounds of food and 34 million pounds of essential items to kids and families in the USA and in over 41 other countries. Today, their efforts enrich people and serve over 670,000 meals a day.
Now, you can "Save" and "Feed" the children with one gift.
Why wait? It's up to you!

Be sure to Reserve your 3-months of personal attention, coaching follow-ups, Guaranteed Results and affordable Membership in the "Syntopic Universe".
Be Heroic, Click HERE, today!


Mustard Seed Investments, Inc.
140 West 29th Street, PMB-161
Pueblo, Colorado 81008 USA

PHONE: +1-719-544-9949