Special Events and
Special Conferences

Events and Special Conferences

What do we mean by Special Events. They are "short, "reality-based" courses designed to:

> Boost Your Productivity,

> Improve the Quality of your Work,

> Help You Make the most of Your precious Time,

> Energize Your Leadership Abilities,

> Sharpen Your Competence as a Knowledge Professional,

> Give You a Competitive Edge.

> Enhance and Increase Your Creativity

Special Events are "live" and online - you just need a computer that's hooked-up to the Internet and a fixed or mobile phone connection to participate. These Events are more than mere entertainment - each Event turns your 'learning' into "becoming" and "achieving", GUARANTEED
[Click HERE to see your 100% Measurable Results, ROI-GUARANTEE for all Syntopic Intelligence programs]

Please be sure to save your seat for the Special Event that interests you, today.
Click HERE to Learn More

Special Events
Why Special Events?
What are these Events?
What do you get out of them?

The Syntopic Universe provides you with unique opportunities to focus on and improve the crucial skills that are so urgently called-for in this knowledge-starved world. To better serve your educational and growth needs, we offer a series of power-packed Special Events every month.

These Events equip and supply you with relevant perspectives and useful strategies - in a word, these Events empower you and help you achieve your professional and personal objectives.

You are given preparatory booklets of articles/papers as well as "post-class" materials such as "action guides", Handbooks, checklists and "goal-trackers" to help you build and maintain your competitive advantage.

Our Events are conducted "live", and in English.
We have scheduled these Events so that everyone in North, Central or South America, Eastern or Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Near East, or the Pacific Rim or Asia - wherever you live, you can attend and participate.

Pick an Event that interests you and reserve your seat - it's really that simple. Your seat confirmation along with your pre-class study materials will be emailed to you as soon as possible. Remember that seats for these events do tend to go quickly, so be sure to save a spot for yourself and/or your team right away.

Announcing Our Special Events: Seminars, Workshops, Tutorials, & Conferences

Add Finesse and Style to Your Expertise!

Use our content-rich Seminars to guide you, help you and boost the effectiveness of your actions
- Duration = 45 minutes -
Materials = Pre-class Booklet + Post-class "Action Guide"
Click HERE to Learn more about This Month's Online "Live" Seminars

Improve the Quality and Excellence of your Knowledge!

If you learn better through "hands-on" experiences or you just want to practice new methods under the supervision of an instructor, then our Workshops were designed for you.
- Duration = 90 minutes - Online and "Live" -
Materials = Pre-class Booklet + Post-class "Action Guide" + [optional] Handbook
Click HERE to Learn more about This Month's Dynamic Workshops

Energize your Knowledge and
Transform Yourself into a Superior Performer!

Tutorials enable you to fully empower and organize your knowledge resources - you will achieve peak economic and operational performance, effectiveness and efficiency
- Duration = 150 minutes - Online and "Live" -
Materials = Pre-class Booklet + Post-class "Action Guide" + Class Notes with diagrams + Handbook
Click HERE to Learn more about This Month's Intensely Powerful Tutorials

Awesome Conferences for Leaders and Entrepreneurs!

Our Conferences open the visionary floodgates and feed the fire of enthusiasm that every Leader/Entrepreneur needs. Expert and experience Guest Speakers share their insights and victories with us. Your creative spirit will soar, you'll discover new ways to make your venture "unbeatable"
- Duration = 60 minutes - Online and "Live" -
Materials = Pre-class Booklet + Post-class "Action Guide" + Handbook
Click HERE to Learn more about our Incredibly Potent Conferences

Seats are limited for these Events - Reserve yours now!

Special Offer
- Web Visitors:

[See 5%-off Discount Coupon - save $$$ - Yours is good for most Events!]

Before you order your Special Event,
Click HERE to pick up your 5%-off Discount Coupon

When you place your order for an Event, the Coupon automatically deducts your 5% savings from the price!
This Discount Coupon applies to all orders that are:
$30 USD or higher - Be sure to get your savings today!


Mustard Seed Investments, Inc.
140 West 29th Street, PMB-161
Pueblo, Colorado 81008 USA

PHONE: +1-719-544-9949